Immigrants by Art Dingley (Tax-Exempt) | Littoral Books

Immigrants by Art Dingley (Tax-Exempt)


SKU: LB-Imm-1 Category:

Deep Lake, a small town at the edge of Maine’s commercial forest, is the setting for Immigrants, a mystery, a love story, and “a beautiful depiction of the REAL Maine.”

–Peggy L. DeBlois


“Micah, a native Mainer who works in the woods, and Maryam, a Bedouin Muslim who owns the local convenience store, are conducting a mild flirtation…But when Micah comes across a mysterious woman camped out in the deep woods, he and Maryam are thrust into a morass of smuggling, espionage, and murder. Immigrants engages deeply with these disparate characters in a twisty complicated thriller—the fictional ride is as wild as a runaway snowmobile. But inside the fast-moving story, the novel treats the challenges of new Mainers coming into the state, the tensions in inter-ethnic relationships, and the ambiguities of living so close to a porous national border. This is a rich and rewarding read.

–Richard Cass, author of Closing Time


$20.00, soft cover, 188 pages.